Oct 29, 2023Liked by Chelsea Steinauer-Scudder

Oh how beautifully you say these things -- and make me weep, and yet open a door between myself and my world that I wasn't sure could open-- the one that is full of 'visceral, vulnerable humanity." Thank you so much.

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Oct 29, 2023Liked by Chelsea Steinauer-Scudder

Sometimes Thank You will have to suffice when there are no other words to express gratitude for this moving reflection.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Chelsea Steinauer-Scudder

Hi Chelsea, I will carry your profound and beautiful way with this essay around with me for the day and beyond. Thank you 🙏🏻

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chelsea Steinauer-Scudder

In a world where so many things, large and small, seem to be triggers for division, conflict, aggression and violence, thanks so much for your poignant essay that speaks to our higher selves and common humanity, and that speaks to a way that empathy, righteous anger, vulnerability, and strength can coexist.

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Oct 30, 2023Liked by Chelsea Steinauer-Scudder

This is beautiful and brilliant, Chelsea. It is a remarkable piece of writing and one of the best pieces I have read about the state of the world we are living in, at home and far away. Reading this tonight, at the end of a long Sunday, I am lifted by the power of the story you share and the words you weave into a testimony and call for hope amongst the madness. Thank you for being such a blessing in these times.

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